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Nativity set

  The making of a Nativity set is something new for Lucy.  The figurines are all hand coiled and sculpted of native gathered and home refined clays.  She has been asked many times over the years to produce them but resisted until recently.  They are quite hard and time consuming to create and difficult to keep from cracking in the drying and firing.  The little air vent holes in them are to keep them from cracking while drying or blowing up when firing. They are all hand coiled up and sculpted as they are built, slowly dried under sheets, then they are sanded, stone polished, and painted with various colors of clay slips that are also stone polished on, and finally the black designs are painted on with paint made of bee plant juice and hematite rock ground on a grinding stone.  After all this work is done it is put at risk by being fired outside with juniper wood and sheep manure to a temperature of about 1800-1900 degrees f. They were all coiled from marbleized clay that was made by mixing two colors of clay together as the wet clay was beaten just before being coiled.  It took Lucy a long time to figure out what clays can be mixed together without cracking and how to stone polish them without smearing the colors together.  

  They are made to be used as both a Nativity at Christmas time or just be various members of a Navajo family the rest of the year, that is if you hide the angle’s wings or face the wings so the back side is not showing.  The faces of the human figurines have masks of the Holy People, traditional Navajo hair tied back in a bun, and they all wear real turquoise jewelry, the sheep and the goat ram have turquoise collars.  

  Joseph or the tallest figurine measures at 13”h x 6”w.  He carries a staff made of a corkscrew willow twig and he wears a fancy blanket with and very elaborate Navajo rug design.

  Mary or the female figure is carrying a Navajo style cradleboard with the baby Jesus or baby in it. She wears a traditional type of a woven Navajo dress with a sash belt.  Also her blanket has a traditional Navajo rug design that Lucy calls rain laden clouds. She is 12 1/8” h  x  6”w in measurement.

  The shepherd holding the lamb measures at 10 ¼”h x 5”w. His blanket is designed with rainbows and clouds.  He has a very ornately designed sash belt and the bottom of his robe has and ancient pottery design Lucy calls the zig`zag clouds. Even the lamb has a turquoise collar.

  The angel drummer carries a traditional Navajo pottery drum that is beat on with a curved drum stick.  He wears a stiped blanket shawl that could be a traditional Navajo blanket or a Jewish prayer shawl. His wings are shaped in stair-step cloud designs with a triangular design in back. He has and intricately designed cloud and lightening designed sash and a robe also with zig-zag lightening designs on the bottom.  He measures 11” h x 5 ¾ “w.

  The goat ram and the sheep are painted with abstract designs of various clouds as rain and moisture are necessary for the grass and plants the sheep graze on.  They even wear collars of sacred stones. The sheep measures  6 ¾” L x  4” h x 2 ½” w and the goat ram are 6” L x 4 3/8” h x 2”w.

  This is an unusually large and eloquently designed, stone polished and painted group of sculptured pieces that took much effort, time, risk, and experience to accomplish.

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